Emy's commission infos
terms of service
Prices are base, they can increase due to details and complexity of the request.
Prices are for each character requested.
Background may add to price.
NSFW commissions are allowed until I feel comfortable with the request. I do not accept child-looking characters for this type of commissions. The NSFW fee is up to 30% / 50% of the base price (depends on the request).
When contacted, please explain your request as detailed as you can. Send visual references of poses if possible. DO NOT SEND LINKS, I won't open them. Please, only screenshots / pictures directly in chat when we're speaking. Any visual reference you'll send will be used as INSPIRATION and to get the idea of what you're asking. I won't be copying the reference.
Wait-list: if I contact you for your spot, you have 48 hours to answer. If the message is not answered, you'll lose the spot.
A commission can take from a couple of days up to one(1) month [exception made for holidays months, it could take slightly more].
Please be patient, I'm a slow artist and you're not the only one I'm working for.
I will send previews as soon as I can. I allow changes 3 times. After that, you'll be charged for any additional changes.
Once I send the link for the finished artwork, I can't make any changes. [exception for minor errors I didn't notice]
It's in the client interest to save/download the file(s) once I send the link(s). It may happened that link could stop working after some time.
Most of the time, I will share online the artwork commissioned. Don't worry, I won't mention you where the client.
ORIGINAL CHARACTER ONLY: if you want to share online the artwork, please request a watermarked version in the preview/WIP stage.
NSFW COMMISSIONS WON'T BE SHARED ONLINE UNLESS I WANT TO SHARE THEM. They will stay private or shared on Patreon / my NSFW Twitter account.
Models and .blend files used in the artwork(s) commissioned are not available for purchase and not part of the price of the commission.
I won't allow any use of my artworks for NFT / AI purposes.
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.
I reserve full rights on the artwork(s) I create.
Commission artworks are for private use only. You can't sell it or use it for commercial use. You can't claim the artwork as your own.
Payment via Ko-fi. Fees may be added to the final price.
You can require a break down of the price.
Full payment upfront. No refunds.
Price may differ due to your currency. (Prices are in EUR)
I'll start to work only after the payment has been received.
Price: 20 EUR
No realistic animals, ask for furry.
You need to choose a color for the background. If not specified, I'll choose one that fits.
Alternative versions of the same commission: 5 EUR for each one requested.
Resolution : max 1500 x 1500 px
Crediting in the bio/description of your blog/account is not necessary but very appreciated.
Price : 50 to 70 EUR
No realistic animals.
I work with clear visual references for Original Characters (OCs).
If you want me to create an Original Character for you, please state it beforehand: we can discuss about it.
If you need a specific resolution, please state the desired resolution before I make the price. If not specified, base resolution is 2000x2000 px
3D Renders
Starting price:100 EUR
Only fanarts. Ask for Original Characters. (making a model for your character will add to price.)
Max characters in a render: three (3)
Base resolution: 3000x3000px
If a bigger or specific resolution is required, there will be a fee that may be up to 10% of the base price. Please, state the desired resolution before I make the price. Keep in mind that I might not be able to render the artwork if the size required is too big or the request is too complex.
Alternative versions of the same commission: 50 EUR for each one requested.
No animations, only pictures.
Priority commissions
You can order a priority commission when you want to skip the wait list and get the commissions done by a deadline. The priority fee is up to 70% of the base price.
I accept priority commissions only a week prior the deadline.
Send me a private message if interested.